March 7th

Well…slept okay last night but ground my teeth and that means pain again…but it’s not too bad so I can live with it…must have slept on my left side last night since my neck hurts on that side…having the pain subside a bit yesterday gave me hope that it is going to heal but I’m not so sure today….I know that it takes time and I haven’t had to treat the pain in a full day so maybe? Didn’t get much done yesterday but do some laundry and do the bike rides but I’m still pretty worn out today….didn’t eat a whole lot yesterday with a bowl and a half of chili and a 4 inch piece of smoked sausage in a leftover hamburger bun…less than 1K calories I’m sure and I need to plan out meals for the rest of the week…there is no protein on sale this week and I normally do corned beef and cabbage for St. Paddy’s day but not at 4 bucks a pound…I think I need to vary my diet some and get away from the normal chicken and pork but I am thawing some of the last batch of ribs I have in there for tomorrow that needs to be marinated some time today….it may be warm enough to get outside on the bike today but I’m going to do one downstairs to start the day…it is only 30 out there right now so going outside is going to have to wait…and today will be the only time this week I’ll even think about outdoor rides since the highs are going to be in the 30′s the rest of the week…I get impatient for the weather to break every spring and the wait gets depressing at times…I do have to get my seeds in the cups today and get some bean and tomato seeds tomorrow so I can get everything going to be ready for the last frost…more later…

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