Got an outdoor ride in…

Well…yeah, I know…the plan today was to take the day off the bike today as I normally do on Sunday but when I put some bread out for the squirrels, the sun was shining and very little wind so I decided to suit up and get on the bike for an outdoor ride…it was a nice one and saw the first geese on Muskegon Lake and I scared up a flock of about 200 ducks when I rode the lakeshore trail that is right on the water….they have opened the road that runs next to the beach already but it is still covered in sand and I know they are going to bury cars in the sand alongside it since you can’t tell where the pavement is…and it’s bordered by deep sand that is going to suck a bunch of cars in like I saw a few times last year…not sure if the ride was that smart to do since my right leg started to howl about 5 miles in but it didn’t get worse so I guess it’s okay….should probably heat it some tonight….might even be able to get outside again tomorrow…but the damn temp doesn’t get in to 50′s until the second week of April….crap…

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