Well…look, I’ll admit I’m an old white guy and most people would see me as a prime supporter of the repubs by how I look…and it astonishes me how people like me can see the repubs wanting to cut the programs that keep us old white people alive and say “I need me some of that” when voting…and the only reason that any repub gets elected is that old white people vote for them…is it a mass delusion that most of my peers do that? I don’t think so…I really think it’s the propaganda that washes over our group from fox and the other right wing “news” sources that pollute the environment…and I think it started with right wing talk radio that, if compared to the news now, was just a little right wing…and then, gradually over time, began to slide rightward and rightward dragging the listeners/viewers with it with it’s miasma of hate and faux patriotism…after all, if Rush says it, it must be the truth, right? I even listened to Rush when he first came on the air and that was before fox or even the internet…but as he slid into all hate all the time, I realized what he was and it probably made me even more progressive…back to the premise…it’s white people who have done all the damage to this country that has been inflicted by repubs…so I think we should use the same tactics the right uses to win over the voters…after all, when people are polled on dem policies but they are not told they are dem policies, they love them and support them…and we need to connect the policies to dems running for office and make sure that people know the damage the repubs do…I know, pretty simple but hard to do with billions of dollars being spent on repub gaslighting and lies…geez…