Well…with the obvious corruption of Clarence Thomas back in the news and the call of the dems to Roberts to do a quick and in depth investigation of all of it, it is just so funny they are asking Roberts to do something he has already ignored at least once…the dems who wrote the new letter start out with saying “11 years ago” when they asked Roberts to investigate the last time and he did nothing but enable Thomas to continue his ethical lapses by never recusing himself from cases that had to do with his wife or companies he has investment in…I wonder what it will take to get Roberts of his butt? For someone who is supposed to be concerned with his “legacy”, Roberts has presided over the most corrupt court in the nation’s history and won’t do his job as chief justice to enforce even the smallest ethics guidelines…and he sat on his hands as the repubs put liar after liar on the court when he could have at least kept Kavanaugh off it…but no, he was complicit in the courts slide into illegitimacy where only 20% of Americans trust the court anymore because he did nothing to stop it…and it the dem senators who wrote him this new letter thinking he’s going to act differently, they are either stupid or part of the problem…we need a Judicial Committee investigation, and we need it right now…geez..