Well…we all know that clarence thomas is the most corrupt SC justice in history, but in an article on the Daily Beast his corruption is far, far worse than anyone knew…this latest bombshell is about a trip that a billionaire paid for that sent thomas to putin’s hometown and then a helicopter ride to one of putin’s estates…hmmm…I wonder what they talked about…and thomas never revealed it as required or paid income taxes on the gift which is a felony..but he’ll get away with it when he “updates” his financial disclosures…just as he has forever…but now there is a twist when AOC filed impeachment charges against both thomas and alito yesterday and that should stir some kind of investigation into the corruption of both of them to go with the letter two senators sent to Garland asking for a special counsel to investigate those two…maybe something will happen this time…ha,ha…yeah that made me laugh, too…geez…
Tag Archives: Clarence Thomas
It’s about time…
Well…finally…it was revealed yesterday that two senior dem senators have sent a letter Merrick Garland asking him to assign a special prosecutor to investigate the most corrupt SC justice in history, Clarence Thomas, for ethic violations and outright criminality by taking bribes from billionaire repubs…and those billionaires all had cases in front of the SC and thomas didn’t recuse himself as the SC rules say he should…oh, and let’s add in tax fraud since a loan of 247,000 dollars for a motor home was forgiven and that makes it income that thomas never reported…it’s about damn time that someone do something about this corrupt court…and the billionaire donors should be shaking in their boots, too, since a special prosecutor can follow the money trail wherever it leads and it may lead to a RICO charge if these corrupt actions were taken for a shared illegal purpose…and Garland better approve this one if he wants to have any chance to protect the rule of law…geez…
Now we know why…
Well…and interesting article was out yesterday about the reasons why clarence thomas has been showered with bribes by a group of billionaires over the past 10 years or so…it seems ole clarence was whining about not making enough money and threatening to resign so to keep him on the court and continue to get his right wing business favoring rulings, a group of billionaires started showering him with cash, trips, loans that were forgiven, a motor home and then put his wife on the payroll to the tune of millions of dollars…now this may sound like a bribe…because it is…quite clearly a series of bribes…the week before last, finally, the dems in the senate sent out subpoenas to the billionaires in question to haul their asses in and make them explain how much money, gift, trips, and anything else they’ve give thomas over the years…and the repubs in the senate did everything in their power to quash the subpoenas since that is what they do…after all, without the billionaires funding them, they would never get elected again…the bottom line here is if thomas was in any other court in this country and took these bribes, he would have been arrested and would be sitting in jail right now…as he should be…geez…
But wait, there’s more…
Well…I’m sure you’ve seen and I’ve talked about the almost comically corrupt Clarence Thomas on the supreme court who has been taking millions of dollars in gifts from people who have cases in front of the court…and since there are no rules that apply to him, he hasn’t recused himself from any of those cases and the donors are sure getting what they paid for in rulings…but it has been revealed just today that it hasn’t been just gifts of trips, travel, and vacations…but just raw cash that has been paid to his aide’s Venmo account that I’m sure ended up in Thomas’s pocket….how much more corrupt does he have to be for even one damn repub to call for his resignation? Yeah…he would have to shoot someone and then they still wouldn’t do a damn thing about it…at least Dick Durbin is introducing a bill that sets ethics rules for the SC like full disclosure of any gifts similar to what every other damn federal judge has to comply with…but what really needs to happen is expansion of the court to keep these right wing illegitimate judges from screwing up the country further…geez…
Never more corrupt…
Well…I know I’ve talked about the corruption of the Thomas’s a fee times now but damn, the hits keep on coming on an almost daily basis…and there has been no one on the court in it’s history who has been more corrupt than Clarence Thomas. Today’s scandal is about an out and out bribe that Leonard Leo paid to GinniĀ Thomas…this guy is the one who has made it his life’s work to corrupt the US court system with unqualified hack judges who won’t follow the law but will rule in favor of repubs special interests…I guess now we know what a SC ruling is worth to this guy who paid ginni 80K over the course of a year where Thomas voted to gut the voting rights act that gave repubs across the country the green light to gerrymander the hell out of red states so no dem can ever win there….and this is on top of the other times Thomas took a half million dollar vacation and another when a rich donor bought his mom’s house and is letting her live there for free…so yeah, we’ve never seen corruption this blatant…but have the repubs said a word about it? Nope nothing at all…they are just fine if one of theirs is a crook and they continue to get the rulings they want…impeach this crook…geez…
This would be funny if it wasn’t sick…
Well…with the obvious corruption of Clarence Thomas back in the news and the call of the dems to Roberts to do a quick and in depth investigation of all of it, it is just so funny they are asking Roberts to do something he has already ignored at least once…the dems who wrote the new letter start out with saying “11 years ago” when they asked Roberts to investigate the last time and he did nothing but enable Thomas to continue his ethical lapses by never recusing himself from cases that had to do with his wife or companies he has investment in…I wonder what it will take to get Roberts of his butt? For someone who is supposed to be concerned with his “legacy”, Roberts has presided over the most corrupt court in the nation’s history and won’t do his job as chief justice to enforce even the smallest ethics guidelines…and he sat on his hands as the repubs put liar after liar on the court when he could have at least kept Kavanaugh off it…but no, he was complicit in the courts slide into illegitimacy where only 20% of Americans trust the court anymore because he did nothing to stop it…and it the dem senators who wrote him this new letter thinking he’s going to act differently, they are either stupid or part of the problem…we need a Judicial Committee investigation, and we need it right now…geez..
Clarence Thomas has to go…
Well…with the latest revelations of unethical conduct by Clarence Thomas, the only solution is for him to go…just today reports all over the news say the Thomas has been taking what are in effect bribes from big repub donors in the form of travel holidays all over the world and not reporting them as he is required to by law. this is in addition to the bribes that his wife has been taking ever since Thomas was put on the bench by a repub president…and he still will not recuse himself from cases that involve these big repub donors that come in front of the SC…this type of behavior shows that there needs to be reform of the court and force them to follow the rules that every other judge has to follow…and there needs to be an easier way to remove corrupt judges from the court….instead of the 2/3 majority of the senate that will never happen….this kind of crap has to end or the entire justice system will fail….geez…
Impeach Clarence Thomas already….
Well…if conspiring with his wife to try to overthrow the government on January 6th wasn’t enough to impeach Clarence Thomas, what is? Could it be baldy going to political campaign rallies for repubs? That was the latest in his unethical behavior that every judge knows you just don’t do when he was the featured speaker at a Herschel Walker for senate rally just yesterday…blowing the hell out of the illusion of impartiality that the SC is supposed to have but that we know WAS just an illusion since mcconnell packed the courts with the three unqualified, lying judges who gutted Roe…but what can be done? John Roberts can take him aside and lay down the law but after the Dobbs decision, we know he doesn’t have the guts to do the job…so we have to support Chuck Schumer and his decision to try to force a code of ethics for the SC through congress and he needs to make it have some teeth such as removal from the seat if they violate it…all of these repubs have been getting away with ignoring the norms of society for far to long and they need to be held accountable…and now…geez..
Clarence Thomas is an idiot….
Well…after the interview that Clarence Thomas gave yesterday, there is no conclusion you can draw but that he is a frickin idiot…he started out saying that the credibility of the SC has been destroyed by the leak of Alito’s unhinged opinion that will overturn Roe and then went on to praise Mcconnell for keeping Garland off the court and attacked John Roberts being appointed to the chief justice chair and went off on him, saying that the appointment started the decline in the court….and that left is bad…yadda, yadda…the same old bullshit from one of the worst justices in the court’s history. Hey, Clarence, do you think part of the crisis in the court might, just might be because you have a wife who tried to overthrow the government and then you didn’t recuse yourself in cases that she was involved in? Or that you and your unqualified right wing cronies have been ignoring precedent when it gets in your way as you legislate from the bench? Or that you have decided to remove rights from half of the country for the first time in the country’s history? No…it couldn’t be that…it’s the protestors outside Kavanaugh’s house who have done the damage to the court, right? That’s what you said in this crazy assed interview that highlighted the need to expand the court to keep you from destroying this country….you are a major reason for the court losing it’s legitimacy along with all of the unqualified liars you sit on the court with…and it is you that have destroyed the court….no one or nothing else….geez…
What do you say, John Roberts?
Well…as the supreme court daily slides deeper and deeper into corruption and illegitimacy, I have two questions for John Roberts: what do you say about you legacy now? What do you say about the corruption you’ve embraced and allowed on your court? It has been widely reported that Roberts has a real concern for his legacy but, like all of the justices put forth by repubs, he lies…or he would be doing something about it…and that should have started when mcconnell stole a seat from Obama and then flooded the court with unqualified right wing assholes…but what did Roberts say about any of it? Nothing, not a damn thing and now we have the most corrupt justice in history, Clarence Thomas, who supported the January 6th attack along with his wife and it is know he has been communicating with Ron DeSantis on what we don’t know…but, in my long life, there has never been another justice who was so involved in politics and who continues to not recuse himself in cases that he has a stake in…like trying to hide the idiot trump’s papers that showed that his wife was up to her neck into trying to overthrow the last election. So, no matter what he says, Roberts is not doing his job as chief justice in reining in the bullshit happening in the court…or, and here is the scary thing, he supports what is happening and is gleefully cheering the insurrectionists on as he plays the concerned justice on tv….they all need to go…geez…