Well…after the interview that Clarence Thomas gave yesterday, there is no conclusion you can draw but that he is a frickin idiot…he started out saying that the credibility of the SC has been destroyed by the leak of Alito’s unhinged opinion that will overturn Roe and then went on to praise Mcconnell for keeping Garland off the court and attacked John Roberts being appointed to the chief justice chair and went off on him, saying that the appointment started the decline in the court….and that left is bad…yadda, yadda…the same old bullshit from one of the worst justices in the court’s history. Hey, Clarence, do you think part of the crisis in the court might, just might be because you have a wife who tried to overthrow the government and then you didn’t recuse yourself in cases that she was involved in? Or that you and your unqualified right wing cronies have been ignoring precedent when it gets in your way as you legislate from the bench? Or that you have decided to remove rights from half of the country for the first time in the country’s history? No…it couldn’t be that…it’s the protestors outside Kavanaugh’s house who have done the damage to the court, right? That’s what you said in this crazy assed interview that highlighted the need to expand the court to keep you from destroying this country….you are a major reason for the court losing it’s legitimacy along with all of the unqualified liars you sit on the court with…and it is you that have destroyed the court….no one or nothing else….geez…