To Russia?

Well…we all know that clarence thomas is the most corrupt SC justice in history, but in an article on the Daily Beast his corruption is far, far worse than anyone knew…this latest bombshell is about a trip that a billionaire paid for that sent thomas to putin’s hometown and then a helicopter ride to one of putin’s estates…hmmm…I wonder what they talked about…and thomas never revealed it as required or paid income taxes on the gift which is a felony..but he’ll get away with it when he “updates” his financial disclosures…just as he has forever…but now there is a twist when AOC filed impeachment charges against both thomas and alito yesterday and that should stir some kind of investigation into the corruption of both of them to go with the letter two senators sent to Garland asking for a special counsel to investigate those two…maybe something will happen this time…ha,ha…yeah that made me laugh, too…geez…

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