Now we know why…

Well…and interesting article was out yesterday about the reasons why clarence thomas has been showered with bribes by a group of billionaires over the past 10 years or so…it seems ole clarence was whining about not making enough money and threatening to resign so to keep him on the court and continue to get his right wing business favoring rulings, a group of billionaires started showering him with cash, trips, loans that were forgiven, a motor home and then put his wife on the payroll to the tune of millions of dollars…now this may sound like a bribe…because it is…quite clearly a series of bribes…the week before last, finally, the dems in the senate sent out subpoenas to the billionaires in question to haul their asses in and make them explain how much money, gift, trips, and anything else they’ve give thomas over the years…and the repubs in the senate did everything in their power to quash the subpoenas since that is what they do…after all, without the billionaires funding them, they would never get elected again…the bottom line here is if thomas was in any other court in this country and took these bribes, he would have been arrested and would be sitting in jail right now…as he should be…geez…

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