Well…if conspiring with his wife to try to overthrow the government on January 6th wasn’t enough to impeach Clarence Thomas, what is? Could it be baldy going to political campaign rallies for repubs? That was the latest in his unethical behavior that every judge knows you just don’t do when he was the featured speaker at a Herschel Walker for senate rally just yesterday…blowing the hell out of the illusion of impartiality that the SC is supposed to have but that we know WAS just an illusion since mcconnell packed the courts with the three unqualified, lying judges who gutted Roe…but what can be done? John Roberts can take him aside and lay down the law but after the Dobbs decision, we know he doesn’t have the guts to do the job…so we have to support Chuck Schumer and his decision to try to force a code of ethics for the SC through congress and he needs to make it have some teeth such as removal from the seat if they violate it…all of these repubs have been getting away with ignoring the norms of society for far to long and they need to be held accountable…and now…geez..