Where are you repubs?

Well…since on of the many right wing assholes has been charged with revealing classified information on the internet, two questions come to mind…if this guy can be charged in a couple of days for stealing classified documents, why the hell has it been two years and no charges for the idiot trump? After all, he stole a hundred times more documents and it now being reported that he showed some of them to people on his plane and that is another felony that he needs to be charged with…the second question is why haven’t any of the repub leadership condemned this asshole’s actions? Not one of them have made a peep…hmmm…I wonder why? Could it be that this is their racist base that they need to win elections? And they are scared to say anything about this white, anti Jew, racist ass because they truly believe the same things as he does…this is just another page in the repub parties new playbook and they love the hate spewers and live vicariously through them…geez…

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