Why are they fishing?

Well…when I saw how many people were fishing on Muskegon Lake today, the question that came to me is why? They have to know that fish in every waterway in Michigan is dangerous to eat with being contaminated with mercury, lead, PCB’s, and PFA’s, don’t they? The DNR here in Michigan has said that eating more than one serving of most fish here per month is dangerous to your health and I don’t think that has changed in the two years I’ve lived here…I’d love to be able to ride down to the lake and catch some fish to eat but there is no way I’d do it since a fish is more than one serving…oh, well…I guess some people don’t care about stuff like that. I did get a lot done again today with an errand where I got some boneless skinless chicken breasts for 1.69 a pound which is cheap in this market…then two rides and planted a bunch of veggie plants, then put in 22 packets of flower seeds in along the east side of the house…I moved the rest of the veggies in cups outside so I could shut the light off downstairs….think I’m going to skip dinner today…the pasta I had for lunch was enough for me so I’ll keep the pork chops for tomorrow…think I’ll marinate them here inĀ  a minute…

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