Well…as depressions go, this is a mild one but it’s still here and it sucks…with the rain out here today, I didn’t get any bike rides in and tomorrow looks like it will be indoor rides with more rain in the forecast…I did figure out how to build a tent over the garden today with a 9×12 clear drop cloth and that has to be done tomorrow afternoon since the temp at night is going to be around 30 Monday and Tuesday night….it’s already down to 42 out there right now and it’s going down to 36 tonight…crap…I am really starting to think about selling this house and trying to find one out in the country…just so damn tired of how hard I have to work to just live here with all of the calls to the police for the noise complaints and making sure that everything is locked up all the time…I mean, I can’t even leave my garage door open when I mow my lawn…and I really want to just live for a while without having PTSD from all of the thumpy assed bullshit music….one of the first neighbors I met when I bought my house moved out today and it looks like they just abandoned a 200K house…the garage door was left open and there is nothing in it anymore…I wondered why I haven’t seen them in weeks…oh, well…