April 19th

Well…that really, really sucked…didn’t go to bed til an hour after normal and the tried and tried to sleep and maybe got 2-3 hours…so it’s going to be a low and slow day today…still have lots to do with the grocery run this morning, uncovering the garden and then trying to get two bike rides in….I was good last night so that has something to do with not sleeping and I’m going to be good until next Tuesday night after my MRI…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but do the laundry but today will be much busier and when I run out of steam, which I will, I am going to try not to power through it but rest a bit….it looks like I will still have most of the garden after the freeze last night…I hope…and I finally have peppers and tomatoes downstairs so I can replace everything I lost….I have to get my absentee ballot filled out for the millage election out here and drop it off at the cop shop tomorrow to keep my string alive of voting in every election I’ve been eligible….I won’t say not much to do today because that’s not true…have lots to do but I don’t need to get going just yet…have to stall until the Meijer pharmacy opens at 9 since I need to pick up some prep stuff for the MRI….more later..

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