Well…you know, it’s damn frustrating when you get one night of good sleep to tease you and then you go back to the up and down crap that leaves you worn out…and I am worn out today and the day is just getting started…had a good day yesterday but didn’t get anything done but the two bike rides…I’m taking today off…or that’s the plan but until the day is over, the specter of my guilt driving me will keep that a question….but right now, that’s the plan….I really am thinking about giving up on the garden this year since nothing is growing out there…the bean plants have not grown a bit in the three weeks they’ve been in so there is something going on that I don’t understand…I know it’s been cold but they should have grown a little by now…and it’s going to get down to 32 degrees Monday night and that is not going to help….it’s almost May and it’s still freezing and that’s just not right….I do still have plants downstairs so I’m going to give it one more try…..have to go to my low fat diet today with the requirements of the MRI Tuesday so it will be chicken, chicken, and more chicken until Tuesday night…just want all this health stuff to be over…it’s so wearing to have to do all this crap….not much to do today…just going to ease into it and have more coffee…the Talladega race is on later and that may be fun but I sure don’t feel like doing anything right now…my hands are sore again for some reason and I’m tired of that, too….more later…