Well…to some people, this is a joyous Star Wars day, but to me, even more than 50 years later, it is a day of sorrow for the 4 students that were killed at Kent State University for exercising their 1st amendment rights to protest the Vietnam war….and Neil Young’s “Ohio” rings in my ears every year on this day…”what if you knew her, and found her dead on the ground?” Okay, this is supposed to be about my life…and this is part of my life as a 16 year old kid at the time…this might be a day of introspection for me…but I need to get to it…had an okay day yesterday but didn’t get enough done for me….kind of have this day roughed out with needing to go pay a bill and trying to get another 6 pairs of socks, mowing the lawn, and then getting two rides in….I stayed with the one meal plan yesterday and I think I’m feeling it right now…just so damn worn out and my right thumb has been hurting every time I move it…I really, really hate getting old….it is finally going to warm up a bit today and it is not too soon for that….it’s only 38 out there and I hope spring is finally going to come….not much to do today…have to sit here til 9 or so and I haven’t even had my first cup of coffee yet…so I better get one poured….more later…