I’m a broken record…

Well…I wonder if I should call all of my days busy ones since that appears to be what they are now…sound like a broken record doing these things…today started off with having to run to the bank to pay my credit card bill since I didn’t get one in the mail and it was due next week…then on the bike for the first ride, then mowed the lawn, had a light lunch, then back on the bike for the second ride, then I planted the remaining 12 cups of veggie seedlings I had in cups outside… cleaned up after that and treated everything with fungus killer again but it looks like I’m going to lose more tomato plants…I did figure out what the line of plants are in the garden yesterday when tiny little radishes started appearing in the line…so I have radishes at least and am hoping that more stuff comes up…I did change out the mouthwash I’m using to see it that is the cause of me losing my sense of taste but it may take a while to see….it would be nice to taste something again…okay, need to read some news…

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