Well…not sure if you’ve read anything about this guy the repubs elected in South Dakota but damn, he is typical q anon moron…his name is Joe Donnell and he really thinks that Mt. Rushmore is a demonic portal that is spreading communism across the US and that it sits on a lay line that elves used to use to magically transport themselves between the mountain and DC…and he knows all of this because god told him personally…and the mountain was carved with magic and used to have different faces and a dwarf hideout under it that is coated with gold and gems on the floor and walls…you get the idea…a person who should be locked up for psychosis is actually a state rep in South Dakota who truly believes this stuff…and the the idiot trump is going to come back and something, something to fix the lay line that was broken by magic so they can get into the magic caverns under the mountain…I really do think that this country is in trouble if repub voters think a guy like this is perfectly qualified to make laws for one of our states…I wonder if the crazy has gotten worse or it was always there but just hidden…and the repubs don’t see the need to hide it anymore? Geez…