Well…finally, it rained like crazy yesterday but that showed me I need to get the big ladder out and clear the gutter downspout since it was overflowing onto the front steps…just leaves over it and won’t take long to fix it….this is going to be a tough morning with no coffee to jumpstart my brain…trying to see how it effects my blood pressure at the pre-op physical this morning at 11…at least it just over at my GP’s office and that’s only a mile and a half from here…and I’ll have time to get the rides in before that if I get a move on and get on the bike by 7:30…my daughter is still sending me lots of stuff to prep for the surgery/recovery and two things showed up yesterday…a rack for the dumbbells she is bringing to work out during recovery and the metal box spring for her bed that I need to put together this afternoon after I get the gutter cleaned and have lunch…was up at 4:40 this morning but was able to get back to sleep til almost 6:30 so that is a win for me…was good for another day last night and I hope that helps the blood pressure, too….not much to do today…my teeth hurt from grinding them last night so I had to take an ibuprofen since they are still really pressure sensitive….that’s different from the last time and I hope it heals like the last time….more later