Well…as I’ve talked about before, during the start of the covid pandemic (which is still going on) when the idiot trump could have done something to save lives, initial data showed that black and brown people were doing most of the dying from covid…and most of them were in blue states so the idiot made the calculation that he could motivate his white naziĀ base by making sure they knew that covid was essentially attacking the people they hated anyway and the push to get people back to work were the people in the service industries which are disproportionately staffed by black and brown people…and the latest studies that have been done show that over 500,000 extra people have died because of a political calculation that idiot boy made that he thought that letting these people die would help him get re-elected…no other reason…just the selfish bullshit he’s pulled his entire life where no one matters but him…this should be enough to put him in jail for the rest of his life…but it won’t and that is what’s wrong with this country…geez…