Well…I marvel at what has happened here in Michigan since we elected a dem administration across the board here…just yesterday our AG Dana Nessel announced indictments of all of the people who signed on as fake electors as part of the idiot trump’s scheme…and boy are these folks going to pay…every one of them has been charged with multiple 14 year felonies and a couple of 5 year felonies just for good measure…so what that means is that when they are convicted…and they will be…they have the possibility of never getting out of jail and that is exactly what these traitors deserve….this is what happens to everyone who has anything to do with idiot boy and you would think that at least some of them would have figured that out and bailed instead of doubling down…but no, these are not the brightest people if they thought trump was a worthwhile person to follow…now we just need every other AG in every state they pulled this crap to do the same to make sure everyone in this country knows there is a price to be paid for being a traitor….geez…