July 22nd

Well…damn, three days until my surgery and my life changes completely today with my daughter getting here this afternoon…when you live alone, you never have to close a door or think about what you’re wearing or doing and now I have to think about all of that…and entertain someone….somehow, I hurt my right leg sleeping last night and I’m not sure if it’s my hip or thigh…I guess I’ll find out when I get on the bike…still have to put a bunch of stuff away and clean the living room this morning and I think I’ll still be embarrassed about my house and how I live…supposed to be more normal at 70…cripes, I’m depressed today knowing what’s to come….got a bunch of stuff done yesterday and will need to get after it as soon as I get the rides in….the little widget at the bottom of my screen says “rain coming” and it may sprinkle a bit but I’m still going out…need to get going by 7:30 so that means I have a half hour to drink coffee and reflect on what’s to come….it will be weird to not drink for almost 3 weeks but it will give me something to look forward to….not much to do today…well…that’s not true…will have to help unload the car and put stuff away…and I need to box up my old pots and pans…man, this is a lot of work…more later….

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