Good news…

Well…you know, I really like these patient portals that all of the health systems have now…I just got the pathologist/surgeon’s report on the cancer and it was nothing but good news…no spread to the lymph nodes and clean margins from what is left behind so that means I’m cured…no more cancer…and I am positively giddy about that…and with the incontinence under control…so far…it has been nothing but good news and I’m sure to be ready to go like crazy on the UK trip…I am so damn happy my surgeon made the decision to move the surgery up and get it out of there…the outcome could not have been better…I guess all the work I did getting into shape made a difference….I am enough of a realist to know that there could still be setbacks but I am prepared for them…I guess I’m in that 5% of men who go back to normal right after the cath comes out…yee ha!

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