August 4th

Well…running about on time for waking up at 5:04 and not being able to get back to sleep…another day night and I am still shaking my head about the progress that I’ve made since the cath came out Tuesday…still have to think about it at times but it’s not the deluge I was expecting and that most people experience….got some stuff done with finally getting the car and the bike washed and today I need to get out there and lube the bike so it won’t get rusty while it just sits…we did get a nice little storm last night that will help with killing the weeds and I just may mow the front when my daughter leaves tomorrow…will take it really gently and not overdo it to make sure I have no setbacks in my recovery…I did start on my upper body work yesterday with doing 100 curls with the 5 pound weights and 100 with the 8 pound weights and I hope I can build some muscle mass to fill up the crepey skin on my arms….overall, I feel pretty good but I did have a little pain this morning …it’s down to about a 2 on the 10 scale so I think just two ibuprofens will take care of it…all of this sitting has done a number on my tailbone so I’m going to have to do some walking today and look forward to it…I am going to have prepped food for the next week in the freezer and some chicken/apple sausages that I am dying to try…had goat cheese as a topping on the chili my daughter made yesterday and she is done cooking since she is going home tomorrow…I am going to miss her…it’s been nothing but a joy to have her here to get me through the hard part of the surgery and recovery….not much to do today…we are going to take a tour of the city and my trails out to the beach so she can see why I like living out here…and I have bills to drop off at the post office so she can see the downtown, too…more later…

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