May 19th

Well…that’s four days in a row of being good a night here and the benefits are piling up…well…not really but I want to think that…I’m not sleeping much but I still feel better when I get up so that is a plus….have been up since 5 though, and I will need a nap later to make up for it….something to look forward to…I did watch “the Kings Speech” yesterday and while it was a good movie I still can’t understand why it won the oscar for best picture…must have been a pretty weak field….maybe that’s what I’ll do over the next week or so…get all of the oscar nominees from last year and see for myself…or, not, who knows? Not much to do today…have to get groceries and this one is going to hurt since I didn’t buy much last week…and there is no food here so the list is twice as long as normal…oh, well…might have HH with K but that might wait until we are up in MP Sat…oh, I’ll fill you in on that one tomorrow…more later…

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