August 12th

Well…running about on time this morning with getting out of bed around 6 but I’m feeling pretty worn out…again…and my neck hurts on the right side so I must have slept wrong last night…damn, waking up with new pains every day is getting old…as I am…there is a nice cool breeze blowing in through the front door right now and it feels good…but we still didn’t get any rain yesterday when the rest of the state got hours of it…and that sucks…didn’t get a lot done yesterday and today will be much the same with soccer starting in a half hour or so…need to do an E check in for the video doctor visit on Monday and that will cost me another 45 bucks in co pays…and I am still waiting for the big bill to come…the new shoes came yesterday and I really like them…they have big lug soles that will be good for winter and walking around in the British rain…and I really hadn’t noticed how the memory foam in the old ones had gotten flat…don’t think I’ve ever had three pairs of usable shoes at once in my life…not much to do today…don’t have to cook today with all of the leftovers I pulled out of the freezer and I am still trying to eat more but with little success…oh, well…more later…

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