Well…up at the normal time of around 6 today and I’m feeling the busy day I had yesterday…pretty sore from abusing myself all day so I need to take it easy today and only do one ride after the grocery run….think I may have gotten back to the bike in full ride mode a little too soon…I should take an ibuprofen before I get going…it is supposed to rain today but I’m not seeing it on the radar so I don’t think it’s going to happen…I do have to go out to the lab to get blood drawn for the first post surgery PSA test after the bike ride and I am curious how that is going to come out…it should be zero but they left cancer in me so it could still be spreading and killing me…and that sucks…but I’m 70 and have lived 14 years longer than my father did so I guess that’s enough…..I will find a topic in politics today and then get off my butt and do one every day….don’t think I need to mow the lawn until just before I leave for the UK and it shouldn’t grow much while I’m gone….not much to do today…need to take it easier than yesterday and I will….and I need to do the rehab exercises twice today and keep it up til the trip…oh, and I need to make salsa in the food processor and that will make one meal every day for a week or so…have been able to eat tortilla chips again with the healing in my mouth so that is one worry I don’t have to think about….more later…