Got into Maryland…

Well…this has been a long day with getting up at 5am in Dublin and now it’s only 7 pm here in Maryland and I am worn out…if you do the math with the time we were on, it’s really about midnight our time and I won’t be getting much past nine tonight…have to be back at the airport pretty early tomorrow for the flight back to GR and I think were leaving here around 10 or so since I have to get through the lines to board by 11:55 and the flight leaves at 12:25 and gets into GR at 2:05…after unloading and getting my bags, it will probably be 2:30 or a little after before I’ll be out the door…I am really looking forward to getting home tomorrow afternoon and melting into my couch after I get the house restarted….this trip took a lot out of me and I think it’s going to be a few days before I get back to normal….it will be nice to have my own stuff to use again after living in hotels and my daughter’s house for the past three weeks…I did have loads of fun and saw everything I wanted to and more so it was a good last trip for me….now I can try to remember it and I hope the photos help…

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