Well…with the debacle of a repub election for speaker of the House going into it’s third round and gym jordan still trying to bully the other repubs in the House to make him speaker, I think we need to understand that a fix for the country and for the dysfunction in the House is easy to do…we just need 5 repubs to grow a spine and vote for Hakeem Jeffries along with the 212 dems…that would make a good man speaker and leave the molester enabler to sit there and fume about it…but, we all know that won’t happen and a person who was in the middle of the plot to overthrow the government is going to be speaker of the House…that just shows you how far the repubs have fallen in their self made sinkhole of depravity…that the entire repub caucus is willing to go along with this criminal and elect him to a position where he is third in line to be president when he should be in prison…geez…