Poor Paul Ryan…

Well…you just got to love the rationalization program that is going on from the right this morning with the loss of one of their traditional house seats in New York yesterday. The best one came on Morning Joe this morning when Paul Ryan basically called the voters there stupid for voting against his brilliant plan…okay,that was a little sarcasm but he deserves it. This guy reminds me of ole Newt who does the same thing when people disagree with him, he denigrates the person, then uses the excuse that the opposition just doesn’t understand or they would agree wholeheartedly. But, Ryan also rolled out the repub ploy where he is playing different groups of people off against each other; saying that people over 55 were misled into thinking that these changes would affect them. My answer to rep Ryan is no….these changes won’t affect me but I still care what they will do to my children and other people that are approaching 55…and I have a true belief that we are all in this together and any plan that is just another giveaway to the insurance industry that bought the repub congress we now have is just morally wrong…I hope other people are having the same epiphany…

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