Well…isn’t this to be expected from any repub who crawls out from under his/her rock? The new speaker of the House has started to delete his electronic past, eliminating his radical website that compared gay people to beastiality and pedophiles and his wife is doing the same with hers that was even more radically right wing and was cheering for the end times of armageddon where the final war takes place and jesus the comes down to save all of the people like them who are trying to cause it…but again, they don’t understand how the internet works and that there are hundreds of copies in archives across it…so now, why would they spend their lives spouting their hate for anyone who is not a white, straight, christian and now try to whitewash their past? Could it be that they are trying to hide who they really are sine now they are exposed to the general public instead of their inbred right wing bubble? They know that a large majority don’t support their truly radical policies so now they will try to hide them behind the lie that they are moderates…lies which should be challenged every time they open their mouths….geez…