Equal protection under the law…

Well…I wonder why the ACLU is not use the tack of suing red states under the 14th amendment? That’s the one that states we have a right to equal protection under the law…and in red states minorities are still getting their votes thrown out or prevented at a rate significantly higher that for whites…and that sure isn’t equal protection under federal voting laws…it used to be that no matter where you lived, you had essentially the same rights…until the bought and purchased SC allowed unlimited money into politics and gutted women’s rights, voting rights, and the right to be safe from assholes with guns…so now, if you live in a red state, you have many less rights than you do in a blue state…and that is not equal protection under the law…not sure what can be done about it other than getting rid of the corrupt SC and all of the right wing judges who lied their asses off to get on the court…and we dems have to start shouting it…geez…

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