Tag Archives: 14th amendment

It’s already started…

Well…how the hell does a minority of people get to lord their beliefs over the whole country? Attacks on abortion rights in blue states have already begun by red states, specifically Texas suing doctors in blue states for providing reproductive care to Texas residents…and they know that disputes between the states go directly to the SC where the right wing hacks there are just salivating being able to overturn the constitutional protections in states like Michigan that were passed by ballot initiative and enshrined in the constitution…and that is part of a pattern of ignoring the constitution and just doing whatever they want since they have loaded the courts with right wing hacks that will rule by politics instead of the law…starting with the idiot in chief who just yesterday said he will end birthright citizenship “on day one” ignoring the fact that it is written into the 14 amendment that has been upheld numerous times by the SC…and idiot boy said he will do that by executive order and if we had real courts, the EO would be laughed out of court before the ink was dry…so now, all you women trump voters, how do you feel that your rights will be taken away from you in January? Yeah, you’re probably to racist and stupid to think about that…geez…

The idiot trump is blocked two states now…

Well…a news story just came out that Maine has joined Colorado saying that idiot boy can’t be on the ballot there and, of course, the right wingers have gone crazy about it…howling that the 14th amendment is too old and we don’t have to follow it since it only applied to confederates…hey righties, the 2nd amendment is lots older than that and you all think it was handed down by god and it MUST be followed…you know how I feel about it…it was an insurrection and idiot boy led it and the 14 amendment is clear that people who tried to overthrow the government can not ever serve in government again…and the right gets even more disingenuous when they howl that this hasn’t happened to any other president…hey, guys…no other president tried to overthrow the government or had 91 felony charges against him, either…I have no faith that the SC will follow the law and disqualify the idiot so we all need to get out to vote…geez…

Equal protection under the law…

Well…I wonder why the ACLU is not use the tack of suing red states under the 14th amendment? That’s the one that states we have a right to equal protection under the law…and in red states minorities are still getting their votes thrown out or prevented at a rate significantly higher that for whites…and that sure isn’t equal protection under federal voting laws…it used to be that no matter where you lived, you had essentially the same rights…until the bought and purchased SC allowed unlimited money into politics and gutted women’s rights, voting rights, and the right to be safe from assholes with guns…so now, if you live in a red state, you have many less rights than you do in a blue state…and that is not equal protection under the law…not sure what can be done about it other than getting rid of the corrupt SC and all of the right wing judges who lied their asses off to get on the court…and we dems have to start shouting it…geez…

A few things…

Well…yeah, running late again today and it’s for a reason this time…did both bike rides and took out half the garden, then mowed the lawn so that makes me a little late…and I don’t have one big topic for this afternoon so I think I’ll talk about a few things instead…a little noticed thing happened in Arizona today that needs to happen across the country…a judge there removed a county commissioner for his role in the January 6th attack making the precedent that yes, the attack was an insurrection and ruled that the 14th amendment allows for the removal of any elected official who was part of it…now I hope that this is not the last one…now do Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley and all of the rest of the repubs who voted to overturn the election…they are just as guilty as those who did the actual attack. One thing that has made me laugh after the primaries is how all the repubs are scrubbing their websites of any mention of the idiot trump or the Dobbs decision against women’s rights and are trying to make themselves un-maga…but, and in this day and age I wonder how they are so stupid to think that because they change their sites the old information goes away…but it doesn’t, their are cached files all over the internet of what the sites used to look like and any dem with a little bit of knowledge can find them to use in attack ads against these morons….just so stupid but perfectly descriptive of the modern repubs…geez…

I’ve been impatient…

Well…with no one who was in on the planning of the January 6th insurrection being charged yet, I have been impatient waiting for that to happen…I know making complicated cases takes time to make sure you will get a conviction, but in the idiot boy’s case of voter fraud in Georgia where he asked the SoS to “find” enough votes to tip the election to him, they have the crime on tape as they do when Lindsey Graham called to pressure the SoS to do the same thing…shouldn’t they be able to charge them just on that? Okay, I guess I’m getting impatient again….one of the things that should help with that is the announcement this week that the January 6th committee has announced that they will have public hearings this winter and will have their report completed and released before the November elections…and I hope the criminal referrals to the DOJ come with the report….and the hundred or so repub reps that were in on it get expelled from congress as they should be according to the 14th amendment…will that happen? Probably not…but they should be….geez…

Trump gets dumber every day…

Well…if you didn’t think that the idiot trump was the dumbest damn person in the entire country, you just had to hear of his latest “plan” to carry out his hatred against brown people by eliminating birthright citizenship for people he doesn’t like. Now, he has shown his utter lack of understanding of how anything works so damn many times that I am getting tired of writing about it but I just had to talk about this one since it is the pinnacle of ignorance…just this morning, idiot boy said he is going to end birthright citizenship by issuing an executive order to repeal the 14th amendment…now, just writing that made me laugh since it is so absurd and so the essence of that ignorant fool….every schoolkid who has gotten past the fifth grade understands that it takes 2/3 of the members of the house and senate or by a constitutional convention called by 2/3 of state legislatures and then would need to be voted on to repeal it…it can’t be repealed by the whim of an idiot president and his crony enablers…look, we all know what this latest trial balloon is, just a distraction to motivate idiot boy’s racist base to get out to vote next week….since that worked so well in 2016, he’s doing it again….what a moron….followed by morons…impeach….

Short sighted stupidity…

Well…with all of the pro discrimination laws that are being passed by repubs across the country, I wonder if any of them thought through what the ramifications are going to be? Okay…yeah, I know…by definition the repubs don’t think, they just hate and that hate is aimed at anyone that is not straight and white…but, if they truly think these laws are going to allow them to discriminate for more than a couple of years, they are delusional. In fact, I think they just sped up the process where the 14th amendment will be applied across the board to everyone in the US….that equal protection under the laws will mean actually that and they will no longer be able to hide behind their hate based religion to try to ensure the LGBT community is just a little less equal than everyone else. These folks need to take their religion and put it back where it belongs; in churches, not being used as a club to hate….one funny thing that has come out of these laws is the fact that how they are written, they allow discrimination against christians as well as the LGBT community…I am waiting for an atheist business owner to put a sign up saying “no christians allowed” for a laugh…but, we atheists don’t go in for that discrimination crap…who are the better people? Geez…

The repubs try to take things away…again…

Well…as I read about the latest shiny object that the repubs are focusing on, birthright citizenship, all I can think of is that they are the party of taking things away…not giving like the dems. every one of the candidates on the right are all about taking away voters rights to vote, taking away women’s rights to control their own bodies, taking away good roads and infrastructure since they will not levy the taxes to pay for it, but this last one, taking away citizenship of people they don’t like is the capper that shows just how meanspirited the repubs have become…and the dispiriting thing is that every damn one of these candidates is from an immigrant family that are citizens because of the 14th amendment that they all hate so much just because a few undocumented Hispanics have had children here who are now citizens under the law…Trump has even come out and said that he will deport every undocumented person…even if they are citizens under the law….I have really had enough of the right’s need to control everything to their advantage and to take away rights from others that they will continue to enjoy…how does anyone ever vote for these idiots?  geez….

I guess the 14th amendment doesn’t apply to women…

Well…haven’t been thinking at all today but a thought just popped into my head and I thought I’d do some musing on it…with all of the abortion restrictions and government interference into women’s health decisions that have been written into law by the repubs across the country, I guess the 14th amendment doesn’t apply to women. As you know, the 14th amendment deals with equal protection under the law and that no laws can be written or accepted that only apply to select set of the citizenry…but, all of the mischief that the repubs have done since Roe was decided is directly opposed this amendment…when did the repubs ever write a law that interfered with men’s health decisions? I think the next challenge to these laws need to be couched in the language of the 14th to make the courts affirm that yes, women do have the right to control their own bodies just like men do…and put this repub nonsense to rest forever…geez…

Debt ceiling nonsense…

Well…I was watching “Countdown” last night and there was a novel postulate from one one of the guests that cited the 14th amendment as preventing this whole debt ceiling conflict that the repubs are pursuing…since the amendment states that it is unconstitutional to not pay the debts of the country….it actually requires the government to pay these debts and any person that prevents that is breaking the law. So, now we have the repub idiots that wave the constitution at all of their enemies saying that they are going to do something unconstitutional by not raising the debt ceiling and forcing the country to default on it’s obligations. Don’t you just love these guys? These shameless shills for the rich and business are showing they are hypocrites again, again, and again….and this latest nonsense just shows they have no morals or integrity and should be sent back to the rocks they crawled out from….