Debt ceiling nonsense…

Well…I was watching “Countdown” last night and there was a novel postulate from one one of the guests that cited the 14th amendment as preventing this whole debt ceiling conflict that the repubs are pursuing…since the amendment states that it is unconstitutional to not pay the debts of the country….it actually requires the government to pay these debts and any person that prevents that is breaking the law. So, now we have the repub idiots that wave the constitution at all of their enemies saying that they are going to do something unconstitutional by not raising the debt ceiling and forcing the country to default on it’s obligations. Don’t you just love these guys? These shameless shills for the rich and business are showing they are hypocrites again, again, and again….and this latest nonsense just shows they have no morals or integrity and should be sent back to the rocks they crawled out from….

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