It’s already started…

Well…how the hell does a minority of people get to lord their beliefs over the whole country? Attacks on abortion rights in blue states have already begun by red states, specifically Texas suing doctors in blue states for providing reproductive care to Texas residents…and they know that disputes between the states go directly to the SC where the right wing hacks there are just salivating being able to overturn the constitutional protections in states like Michigan that were passed by ballot initiative and enshrined in the constitution…and that is part of a pattern of ignoring the constitution and just doing whatever they want since they have loaded the courts with right wing hacks that will rule by politics instead of the law…starting with the idiot in chief who just yesterday said he will end birthright citizenship “on day one” ignoring the fact that it is written into the 14 amendment that has been upheld numerous times by the SC…and idiot boy said he will do that by executive order and if we had real courts, the EO would be laughed out of court before the ink was dry…so now, all you women trump voters, how do you feel that your rights will be taken away from you in January? Yeah, you’re probably to racist and stupid to think about that…geez…

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