The repubs try to take things away…again…

Well…as I read about the latest shiny object that the repubs are focusing on, birthright citizenship, all I can think of is that they are the party of taking things away…not giving like the dems. every one of the candidates on the right are all about taking away voters rights to vote, taking away women’s rights to control their own bodies, taking away good roads and infrastructure since they will not levy the taxes to pay for it, but this last one, taking away citizenship of people they don’t like is the capper that shows just how meanspirited the repubs have become…and the dispiriting thing is that every damn one of these candidates is from an immigrant family that are citizens because of the 14th amendment that they all hate so much just because a few undocumented Hispanics have had children here who are now citizens under the law…Trump has even come out and said that he will deport every undocumented person…even if they are citizens under the law….I have really had enough of the right’s need to control everything to their advantage and to take away rights from others that they will continue to enjoy…how does anyone ever vote for these idiots?  geez….

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