Well…we all know how much the repubs hate teaching about history or even knowing any history and the latest thing is to ignore that slavery ever existed or that it was the cause of the Civil War…a few days back when one of the front runners for the repub nomination, Nikki Haley, was asked if she thought slavery was the cause of the Civil War and she couldn’t even say slavery but launched into a word salad about freedom and lots of other bullshit when she knows her state, South Carolina, launched the war and were quite blunt that it was all about slavery…no “states rights” or any other made up reason…just frickin slavery and being able to own other human beings…now I think this should be the question all of the repubs should be asked every time they pop their heads out from under the rocks they live under…let’s get their radical right wing asses on video and then crank out the ads…geez…