Well…when did Nancy Pelosi turn into Nikki Haley and why didn’t anyone tell me about it? At least that isĀ what it sounds like if you listen tot he idiot trump spout his gibberish like he did in NH earlier in the week…as he dragged out his tired bullshit…it is now Nikki Haley who was in charge of the military on January 6th and she is the one who didn’t send in the troops instead of Nancy…and the rest of the speech was a word salad that made no damn sense at all…and the repubs constantly harp about Joe Biden losing it and being too old to be president and yet they are going to nominate this moron who every world leader just laughs at…and it’s taken 3 years for Joe and his team to repair the damage he did…so let’s do everything we can to make sure he gets nowhere near the WH…vote! geez….