Well…I’ve been reading about the big conference on Mackinac Island where the repubs and business leaders, who purport to represent the people of Michigan, are meeting to gloat over ramming through their radical right-wing agenda. Since this conference is supposed give voice to the plans to “reinvent” Michigan, where is the input from the ordinary Michigan citizen? Where is the input from organized labor? Where is the input from our retirees? The quick answer is nowhere….none of those groups were even invited to this “victory lap” where business and their repub lapdogs sip champagne on the porch of the Grand Hotel and make plans to steal even more of the state from you and me. What else can you call it when taxes are raised on everyone but business and then those taxes are given to the ceo’s who then will pad their pay that is already higher than ever in history. How does it feel to write a check to a ceo that makes 20 million dollars a year? What are you going to give up to make sure these guys get another summer home or two new Mercedes?
I guess we only have ourselves to blame for voting for these thieves…or, no, I blame everyone else…I didn’t and will never vote for these thugs….