Well…the court opinion we’ve all been waiting for dropped this morning and the ketchup must be flying down at the idiot’s tacky golf club in Florida…in a 57 page opinion, the DC appeals court ruled unanimously that ex presidents have no immunity from prosecution for crimes committed at any time, even when in office…this upholds a lower court opinion that said the same thing and blows every delusional argument from idiot boy’s lawyers out of the water…I mean the complete immunity that the lawyers tried to argue would let a president or ex president even murder someone and couldn’t be held responsible and that is just wrong…so now what happens? Of course idiot boy can appeal to either the whole appeals court or the supreme court but they also can say out of it and refuse the case which will get the trial by Jack Smith back on track and idiot boy is headed to prison…it will probably be another 6 months for that to happen but it will happen…even the corrupt SC isn’t going to give trump a get out of jail free card…I hope…geez…