Well…damn, up at 5;04 this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep so I hauled my butt out of bed since I have a busy, busy day today…need to get on the bike here in 20 minutes to get the first ride in before the grocery run, then another ride when I get back here…making a pizza for lunch and while that is baking on the grill I’ll fill in and seed the spot where the rotten tree was…then two more rides outdoors this afternoon…the weather is going to be really weird after today with thunderstorms tonight and then 27 degrees for a high tomorrow with snow…and then it warms up again with highs in the 60′s Sunday and Monday….going to be a roller coaster ride for the next few weeks but we are moving toward spring and I can’t wait for it…didn’t get a lot done but the rides yesterday but that was enough with being on the bike for 4 hours…I guess I can take it easy tomorrow and do three rides indoors and that should get me to the 1,200 mile goal…the wind is going to be even worse than yesterday but I’ll still need to get out this afternoon…I need to get some rest after the goal is met since I’m just so worn out….need to get going right now but I haven’t had enough coffee…can I drink a mug in 9 minutes? going to try…more later…