Well…after the tree outdoor rides in the high wind yesterday, today was supposed to be easier but the day got away from me and I was busy most of the day…started out with getting the two rides where I did hit my 1,200 mile goal and didn’t even have to use the leap day tomorrow….after that I went out in the cold and ice to go to the library to get 3 more books, then over to DD to get some smoked turkey and then back here for some cleaning…didn’t make the soup for lunch but had pizza instead as I did a load of laundry and then made the potato soup for dinner and finally got two books started that I’m going back to soon…I did some damage to my left leg during the ride yesterday and my shin was really puffy all day but I just put the heating pad on it and it seems to have helped…doesn’t hurt at all so I’m not sure what is going on…think I’ll dig out some of the compression socks my daughter bought me and see if that helps…it only got to 23 out here today and it’s going down to 16 tonight but then it starts to warm up Friday with 60′s Sunday and then 40′s and 50′s next week…I have been really tired all day today and I hope I feel better tomorrow….