Well…with the super Tuesday primaries over and Nikki Haley dropping out, it looks like the idiot trump is going to be the repub nominee even if he has to run from prison…but one thing that blared out is that polls that predicted idiot boy blowing out haley, he underperformed in every election by anywhere from 7 to 35%…and one thing the he should be worried about is almost 70% of haley voters won’t vote for trump…and with Joe winning an starting to pull the dems together and will get more of the independents and moderates…especially since idiot boy just did a speech where he told the moderate repubs to go somewhere else…he only wants the maga assholes left in the repub party…and that won’t draw in anyone but his maga base…so, I think Joe is going to do okay and beat the idiot again now that it’s general election time…after all, the dems have more money since the idiot is hoovering up all the right wing cash and have a good record to run on…I guess we’ll see…geez…