Tag Archives: super Tuesday

The polls were wrong…

Well…with the super Tuesday primaries over and Nikki Haley dropping out, it looks like the idiot trump is going to be the repub nominee even if he has to run from prison…but one thing that blared out is that polls that predicted idiot boy blowing out haley, he underperformed in every election by anywhere from 7 to 35%…and one thing the he should be worried about is almost 70% of haley voters won’t vote for trump…and with Joe winning an starting to pull the dems together and will get more of the independents and moderates…especially since idiot boy just did a speech where he told the moderate repubs to go somewhere else…he only wants the maga assholes left in the repub party…and that won’t draw in anyone but his maga base…so, I think Joe is going to do okay and beat the idiot again now that it’s general election time…after all, the dems have more money since the idiot is hoovering up all the right wing cash and have a good record to run on…I guess we’ll see…geez…

Super Tuesday part two…

Well…the voting is over and it appears that Joe Biden is the big winner in the primaries from yesterday….just a couple of weeks ago, the pundits were all saying his candidacy was dead and Bernie was going to take the nom easily…but, guess what? The voters had other ideas and those who wanted someone who could beat trump rose up and decided that Joe was the one…and it looks like his votes were a cross section of America…bolstered by AA voters, Latinos, and even some young people who are just so damn tired of the idiot trump that they voted for pragmatism instead of progressivism.  I feel a little bad that Liz didn’t do better but what a VP candidate she would make…with Joe setting the agenda and then Liz doing what she does…making a plan for that. I’m not sure if we can count on Bernie’s supporters for the general with his comments last night that were basically a rant against people in the dem party who didn’t choose him…not a good look with all of the anger..but that is Bernie and if Joe wins, we need outreach to his supporters to get some of them on board….the hard core Bernie supporters are gone…they are almost as much of cultists as trump supporters are…okay, no…that’s not right..they are tired of the status quo and they feel Bernie can deliver change that no one else can….but, if they don’t come along, there may be no change but for the worse if trump steals another election. That has got to be the message to them…that they are welcome and Bernie’s ideas are welcome…we are the big tent party after all and should welcome anyone who can help…this is going to get even more interesting in the next month or so…next we need Bloomberg gone but not his money…if it used to defeat the idiot trump….

Super Tuesday…

Well…the process for picking a dem candidate is going to get a big jolt today with the super Tuesday primaries across the country that will award over a thousand delegates toward the 1600 or so that are needed for the nom….and we had three candidates drop out over the past couple of days after the the results of the SC primary saw Joe Biden win by a large margin….look, you know my choice is Liz just because she has the policy chops and the steel to get things done for our progressive agenda…okay, what is called progressive these days was mainstream stuff just a generation ago…I mean, not locking kids up in cages? Up until the idiot trump that was something everyone was in agreement with…and respecting the constitution? The only party that still does that is ours and who thought the flag wavers on the other side would abandon that? Okay, I did…they are all craven liars who do nothing but hate…one thing I have to stress and I can’t stress it enough to the Bernie bros and the Warrenites is that if your candidate doesn’t win the nom, remember what’s at stake and stop the damn whining about sitting this one out if your person doesn’t win…any one of our candidates is light years better than idiot boy…and you know that the winner is going to welcome ideas and policy from those who didn’t win…we are all in this together and the overaching goal has to be to beat trump…cripes, learn how to compromise people…the country is at stake and you’re going to throw a hissy fit? That’s the best way to ensure that none of our ideas to make this country better get enacted…so, suck it up and pull together to remove the stain of trump and his cronies….