Super Tuesday part two…

Well…the voting is over and it appears that Joe Biden is the big winner in the primaries from yesterday….just a couple of weeks ago, the pundits were all saying his candidacy was dead and Bernie was going to take the nom easily…but, guess what? The voters had other ideas and those who wanted someone who could beat trump rose up and decided that Joe was the one…and it looks like his votes were a cross section of America…bolstered by AA voters, Latinos, and even some young people who are just so damn tired of the idiot trump that they voted for pragmatism instead of progressivism.  I feel a little bad that Liz didn’t do better but what a VP candidate she would make…with Joe setting the agenda and then Liz doing what she does…making a plan for that. I’m not sure if we can count on Bernie’s supporters for the general with his comments last night that were basically a rant against people in the dem party who didn’t choose him…not a good look with all of the anger..but that is Bernie and if Joe wins, we need outreach to his supporters to get some of them on board….the hard core Bernie supporters are gone…they are almost as much of cultists as trump supporters are…okay, no…that’s not right..they are tired of the status quo and they feel Bernie can deliver change that no one else can….but, if they don’t come along, there may be no change but for the worse if trump steals another election. That has got to be the message to them…that they are welcome and Bernie’s ideas are welcome…we are the big tent party after all and should welcome anyone who can help…this is going to get even more interesting in the next month or so…next we need Bloomberg gone but not his money…if it used to defeat the idiot trump….

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