Well…if you needed more reason to vote for Joe in the fall than all of the good stuff he’s gotten done, just think about the damage the idiot trump has done to the courts and the resulting damage to our democracy….for the first time in history, the supreme court has taken rights away from US citizens and it’s all because of the corrupt justices that idiot boy put on the bench…and just this week they were up to the same corrupt antics again when the conservatives voted that the states couldn’t enforce the 14th amendment by keeping the criminal in chief off the ballot after he led the insurrection on January 6th…that amendment is plain and was used to keep hundreds of confederates from running for office and yet this supreme court ignored precedent, as they always do, making trump more equal than anyone else…so if you want that fixed, vote for dems up and down the ballot so we can take back the house, keep the senate and return one of the most effective presidents in the last 100 years to the WH…it’s up to us to save this country…so vote…geez…