Well…I kind of like that it rained yesterday and I could take the day off of all exercise to try to heal up the little aches and pains that I have been suffering for the past couple of weeks…and with the 24 hours of LeMans coming on in a couple of minutes, I am going to delay the bike ride this morning for a couple of hours…it is kind of wet out there with a heavy mist (yeah, that sounded weird to me, too) that would soak me before I got out a mile so waiting is a good idea…it is still in the 50′s after all. I find it kind of strange that the inner peace that I have been seeking for quite some time is having an effect on my writing…making it much harder to come up with topics and then to find the fire that I need to explode them here…but, I’m pretty sure that I don’t want that seething inner volcano back either….it is a conundrum that I find really interesting but on an objective basis….I do look forward to seeing where this takes me and what effect it has on the rest of my life; I don’t know how I can describe the feeling that has come over me…something like bemusement I guess…oh, well…I’ll keep you updated on the travels in this new world….it was funny yesterday when I asked T if she ever thought I’d be at peace and get to where I am now and she just laughed and said no….
Not much to do today…bet you thought I wouldn’t work that in today….I may meet up with K for a couple later and I have started to clean this place up and I’ll continue that but it’s going to be more of a laid back day…I am going to cook a pork loin with fresh broccoli and roasted red potatoes for lunch/dinner and I can’t wait to smell it cooking….I’ll try to get to another one later but you know how my Saturdays go….