Well…man, I feel like crap today and the days of 41 mile rides has a big part in that…kinda slept okay last night but sure don’t feel like it right now…and I need to get on the bike in 18 minutes so I’ll be ready to do the grocery run after the first ride…it’s only 37 out there right now and there is a freeze warning for tonight but then the lows come up into the 40′s and 50′s so I can plant the garden next week…the peas sprouted yesterday and I have 5 of them up but still no peppers so I’ll plant 20 or 30 of them in the garden to brute force them and hope to get 5-6 of them to come up…I’ll do that with the broccoli, leeks, and carrots too, but this year I’ll label them so I know what is in the garden…I did get some grass seed put in yesterday and with the storms that are coming tonight, they should sprout okay…I am curious how the bluegrass seed will do…much more expensive than the fescue I have been using and I hope it works better since I have 1/3 of the lawn to reseed…not much to do today…just the rides and grocery run…have another rear brake making noise on the car so I’ll have to work on that at some point but I’ll wait til it gets warmer to do that….more later…