Well…didn’t run the hepa filters last night and I am feeling it this morning with my eyes itchy and full of crap…and I just generally feel lousy and worn out like maybe I’m getting old or something….the day was okay yesterday until the assholes started up again to the south of me…I sure hope the cops clued them in this time…I was so damn sore last night that I had the heating pad on everything and I still feel it today…need to figure out how to get back into a sustainable routine where I don’t struggle to just survive the day…but that probably won’t be today since I need to get on the indoor bike here in 50 minutes or so…and that right there is a symptom of what is wrong with me…I’m retired and yet the schedule is still driving me to accomplish things when I could just sit here and enjoy the stillness…I do need to cook today since I thawed some catfish nuggets that need to go in the air fryer along with making some potato soup so I’ll need to carve out time for that…the radar says it’s raining out there but I just looked and it’s dry so I can get on the bike just as soon as I do an indoor ride…maybe that can be my routine…one indoor ride to start the day and then two outdoor rides and be done before noon? I just realized that I’m going to make fish and chips with the catfish today and I’m looking forward to that…not much else to do other than clean a bit…more later…