Well…out of bed about 6:30 this morning an that leaves me running late to get on the indoor bike by 7:30…but it is only 45 outdoors right now so I will need to wait to ride out there today….still pretty sore right now but there is no reason for it other than riding the bike…I am really hoping that it stays clear tonight to see the northern lights that are supposed to be visible all the way south to Alabama tonight…there were 6 CME’s in a row yesterday from a sunspot complex that never happens so I’ll be out looking up tonight…didn’t get anything done yesterday but I will be making potato soup with bacon today and doing some cleaning and laundry…not sure why I just can’t take a day off to enjoy but I’m not going to agonize about it…I do need to plant the chili pepper seeds that have sprouted in the paper towel and I really hope some of them survive…I need to replenish my pepper supply in the freezer…crap, it looks like it’s going to be cloudy tonight so no northern lights for me…oh, well…not much to do today…it’s sunny right now but the temp is not coming up til around 10 so that is going to make me late for getting the outdoor rides in but the wind is going to be almost calm and I am looking forward to that….damn, 15 minutes til the indoor bike…need more coffee…more later…