Well…you know, I have a question…why am I always so busy? I’m damn retired after all and yet this is what my day looked like today…started out with 3 outdoor rides for about 38 miles…the wind was blowing but out of the south so that’s not too bad…then back here for lunch and right out to work in the garden…planted all of the rest of the peppers that had sprouted…almost 10 of them and had both green and chili peppers go in…not sure if they will survive but if a couple do I’ll be happy…and that ends the planting for the year unless any more peppers come up in the leftover red cups out back…and I just planted a leftover pack of chili pepper seeds in a trough that I made with my planting shovel and it appears that some of those have sprouted, too…so I may be able to replenish my hot pepper supplies in the freezer…the rest of the garden is okay except for the carrots and cukes but I have my fingers crossed that the cukes grow…so nothing to do now but feed, water, and weed…after the garden work, I took my pruning saw and cut a couple of the trash bushes that are growing in my fence right down at dirt level…need to kill the damn things so I don’t have to keep them clipped…after that, I got out the string trimmer and did the whole yard so it looks finished and neat…it’s almost 5 and I just finished my weight work for the day…not sure if that answered the title question but these were all things that had to be done and there is no one else to do it…still have to put the trash out…and should do that before the rain starts…damn, I’m busy…oh, just noticed the damage on my shins from running the trimmer today…my left on has over twenty small dings that were bleeding…cripes…